Sunday, 18 September 2011

Change and Face the (s)Train

Tomorrow will feel as if England is finally accepting me.

Let's face it, I use to feel like an old rejected graft, the unsuccessful merger of the French branch with the English apple tree system. I was an outsider. Some say it was just bad timing. Recession times, really what did you expect?

Rough times all over Europe sounded indeed like a good justification to my unemployed self. But it just wasn't good enough. Periods of doubts (and let's face it, a bit of panic) was followed by a big Question Time with myself.

When I left Paris, I was ready for a change. It was the time to think, finally choose a path and follow it to the top of the hill. This was going to be hard work.

Why do you think I work in Communications? Indecision. I think it might be one of the biggest traits in Comms people. We want to do everything but are too scared to choose anything. This is probably why, shortly after I popped out the tunnel, rabies free, I straight away tried to find a job in my field. Nicely tucked into my comfort zone.

Luckily, it didn't quite work out. Fate forced me to pause and reflect.

So here I am. Back on tracks. Tomorrow is my first day, I better not derail. Cheers England!



  2. ah oui, un sacré trait en commun des commeux :) mais tu montres le chemin carrie bradin, bravoooooooo !!!
